
The Meeting

A physical and audio installation by Claire Malet & Alex Hale

Exhibit Here: Art Maze, Bargehouse, South Bank, London, 26th – 30th October 2022

Fresh Air Sculpture, Quenington,  5th – 26th June 2022


Installation by Claire Malet

Six discarded chairs entwined with ivy made from re-cycled electrical wire, the leaves hand-cut from plastic milk cartons. The materials and objects used in making this installation are symbolic of the behaviour that has led to the climate and ecological crisis: single-use plastics, cheap mass produced furniture. We sit on chairs, an act of civilization, we ‘elevate’ ourselves from nature, we meet, we talk, we discuss, we….?

Soundscape by Alex Hale

The Meeting: Code Red by Alex Hale, is an immersive 12 minute soundscape built around three key speeches about climate change: Margaret Thatcher speaking at the UN General Assembly 1989, Severn Cullis-Suzuki, aged 12,  speaking for ECO at the UN Conference on Environment and Development, Rio 1992, and Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados speaking at COP26 the UN Climate Change Conference, Glasgow 2021. The piece ends with the beautiful song of a single nightingale. Best experienced through headphones. Listen here.

Further photos in Portfolio



Into the Forest

Manchester Art Fair 2019

Three artists respond to the theme Into the Forest

Claire Malet – Sculptor & Silversmith
Barrie Watts – Fine Art Photographer & Printmaker
Alex Hale – Sound Artist & Producer

Listen here to Into the Forest by Alex Hale: An immersive soundscape composed using a palette of sounds recorded in woodland. This explorative piece takes the listener to the heights of the whispering canopy and deep among the roots of the forest floor, a dream-like world rich in audio texture and dimension; at times a welcoming place at others slightly unnerving – what was that noise? Best experienced through headphones.